15 year old Rachel Chan readies debut album
15 YEAR OLD Rachel
Chan will have her debut album 'Go' released through in:ciite
Media (EMI CMG Distribution) in January 2012. Rachel is the eldest
daughter of New York Times bestselling author, speaker Francis Chan.
Working with producer Dave Lubben (Kutless, Kathryn Scott), Rachel is
the co-writer on all 10 tracks found on the record. Said Rachel, "I
learned in a tangible way that relying on the Lord for my lyrics was
the only way to create something productive. I've never necessarily
considered myself a songwriter, but it was when I sought the Lord for
his words, that I truly was able to write them in the Spirit. There is
such a peace that I have about everything written because each word
was prayed over. Writing these songs reminded me all over again
exactly what I love about my Saviour, and the things he does in my
daily life that make me go weak in the knees."