High profile producers behind 18th NewSong album
THE 18th album by Grammy-nominated NewSong is set for US release on 26th
February. 'Swallow The Ocean' is produced by Seth Mosley (Newsboys,
Peter Furler), Chris Stevens (TobyMac, Sanctus Real) and longtime NewSong collaborator
Paul Mills (Bluetree; Phillips, Craig & Dean). The project
includes the debut single "All We Need" and a new version of Getty and
Townend's hymn "In Christ Alone". Said the group's Matt Butler, "We
have spent our whole lives trying to be artists and musicians who
describe God's love. So the impetus behind the record is to use music
for that purpose-to introduce God to people who don't know him. If we
were to fill the entire ocean with ink, and if we were to take pens
and try to write the love of God across the sky, we would drain the
entire ocean dry and still not even come close to touching the surface
of God's greatness and the bigness of his love; that has become the
heartbeat of this album."