Country hitmaker Doug Seegers credits God for success
IN THE JANUARY and February issue of mainstream country music magazine
Maverick there is an interview with successful new recording artist Doug Seegers. The
singer/songwriter said, "I was doing some really nasty things. When I
say nasty I mean I had some bad habits. I was involved in a very
deteriorating relationship and there were drugs and alcohol involved.
That went on for quite a few years and I got myself to a point where I
just got totally disgusted with myself. I asked God for his help one
afternoon. And I just knew, I just reached a point where I knew it was
time to either get out of it and walk away totally and clean myself up myself slowly wither away and never get anything done with my
life. It was like a landslide of success. It was like a landslide of
good fortune. I don't know how to put this.I wish I could find the
words that would be good enough to explain the situation that I'm
involved with right now because I just think when God's ready to do
you right, boy!... [He] has just steam-rolled me with such fortune
it's beyond belief, even for me."