Major feature film The Nativity Story opens in the US on 1st December
THE MAJOR motion picture The Nativity Story opens in the US on 1st
December in 3,000 cinemas and is expected to draw huge crowds. New
Line Cinema, which also produced Snakes On A Plane and the Lord Of The
Rings trilogy, is hoping The Nativity Story will be another
blockbuster hit. 16 year old Oscar nominee Keisha Castle-Hughes (Whale
Rider) plays young Mary; newcomer Oscar Isaac plays Joseph; and Oscar
nominee Shohreh Aghdashloo (House Of Sand And Fog) plays Elizabeth.
New Line bought the script in January from screenwriter Mike Rich
(Radio, The Rookie, Finding Forrester) and fast-tracked the project to
get it into cinemas by the holiday season. The original motion picture
score by Mychael
Danna is also being released in December.