Larry The Outlaw

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Thursday 3rd July 2008

The Outlaw Larry Norman film nearing completion

THE PRODUCER of the Jesus Movement documentary Frisbee: Life & Death Of A Hippy Preacher, David Di Sabatino, is reportedly putting the finishing touches to his documentary on the life of Jesus music legend Larry Norman. The working title for the project is The Outlaw Larry NormanCR

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Reader Comments

Posted by Matthew in australia @ 16:03 on Jan 21 2010

After reading the web regarding Larry secret life and how he had a son from OZ in N.S.W his name is Daniel I am still not sure how to react to this news at the moment. It was a shame while Larry was alive going around like the Jewish leaders did telling us all how to live our lives for Christ and to love one another and telling us how the church is ill. But while he was telling us this he was going around doing what he wanted and committed adultery

So to the Norman family I ask you? Where was the love because right up till Larry’s death Larry would not bring himself to admit to his own son that he was the father Even today if I am right and now that 2010 is here there is still no DNA in sight why is it? Are you hoping that if you prolong it they will no longer have the funds to keep going as you have funds to keep it going you all have control now of Larry estate to keep this going? To date you are still refusing to do this one act of love for Dan. Larry committed adultery tied to hide this from us all while he was still on this planet. Show Dan that you can do what Paul in his letters said to the church in 1 Cor 13 with out love you are nothing. So why not show it to Dan and his family and fans by doing the DNA test. Yes Larry like us have at times did thing we regret later But in the end it is not what we did that counts but what we do with it that counts Paul all so said love one anther like Christ loved the church. So to be forgiven one must admit what he did was wrong to the body of Christ and Larry never did this. I can assure you this is not going to go away anytime soon it is now starting to filter through and the longer you put this off the more we will not trust you. Larry has now gone so it is now up to you to make it right and give Dan his rightful place at your table

Cheers Matthew from OZ

Reply by SBBG in Sydney Australia @ 12:08 on Mar 13 2010

It seems to me that people have become focussed on the rumour, the scandal and the interpretation of a finite amount of events and information. The relentless selfish pursuit of the Norman family and/or estate brings no glory to God in the end; just self-satisfaction. Only God knows our hearts - it is better to give them to the Lord than to give them over to bitterness and earthly pursuits. Even if Larry Norman failed Daniel and his mother, God calls us to seek Him, not retribution or self-satisfaction. God cares about justice and what is right, but they are His to determine. All life is riddled with sin; why get down deeper in the muck when God calls us to serve one another; not demand things from one another for temporal gain. It saddens me to see Daniel & his mother so bent on temporal vindication when we should all be living for the Kingdom.

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Posted by alan in ireland @ 18:01 on Aug 8 2009

having watched the "film" out of curiosity I was left feeling slightly mystified as to why anyone would be angry at this. It is a poor, second rate production promoting Randy Stoneghills music with interviews from people that frankly have no relevance to Larry in the latter part of his life. I think we all know Larry was far from without sin and he would have had no argument with that so have pity on Stonehill and wife, Pamela Norman etc etc as they have to live with the fact that they sold their dignity for what can have only been a few dollars!!

Posted by meme in washington @ 01:58 on Feb 21 2009

In the past 35 years of listening to Larry Norman, I have only heard three negative things about him, and this film seems to focus only on those three incidents. It is interesting that all of those "sins" ocurred over twenty years ago when Larry was pretty young. I'm sure that Larry repented along time ago and moved on. Have you heard of him repeating any of those mistakes recently? I haven't, and I believe a man should be judged on his end state and not on his beginning state. If we were all judged by mistakes we made thirty years ago, there would no point in moving on in life. We might as well give up and quit trying.

Come on guys, enough of all this gossip and backstabbing. It's just so sad that Larry was barely cold in his grave before David Di Sabatino started digging up dirt and spreading it around. Have some respect for Larry and his family! I'm pretty sure that David Di Sabatino has sin in his life somewhere that he would not want to be remembered for once he was dead and gone.

May the work that Larry began continue until Christ comes. God bless!

Posted by Eric in UK @ 01:07 on Jan 1 2009

I wonder how the authors of this idea would fare if they were on trail for their own secrect sins ? (wink)

In the end, the greater the sphere of influence a person has had in this life, the longer it will take for the dust to settle, and when it does what we will be left with is the precious memories of those things that were done for Christ.

‘Tis only one life, will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.’

Peace, Eric.

Posted by Brian Jewkes in DUDLEY @ 17:14 on Nov 6 2008

Are we to have a film about the character of the lives of all the people who make these accusations. I doubt it. No money or interest cold be raised in these folk. Save your cash ,or send it to something like compassion international,to look after orphans like Larry did.

Posted by Barry Whitkins in Seattle, WA @ 10:49 on Jul 31 2008

All he did was place a camera in front of the faces of many of the people that Larry worked with and said, "What is up with this guy?" And they told him. Larry Norman said he stood for truth. Let's see whether that is true or not.

Reply by meme in washington @ 01:23 on Feb 21 2009

In my opinion, this film is a very biased interpretation of "the truth"--Di Sabatino's interpretation. He put a camera in the faces of those who had a bone to pick with Larry. Therefore, focusing only on the negative aspects of Larry's life. Not much mention of all the souls that came to Christ through Larry's ministry. In, my opinion the good far outweighs the bad. Yet, Di Sabatino, who is bitter because Larry would not allow him permission to use his music in the Lonnie Frisbee film, has set out to smear Larry's name and portray him as a devil. In the end, the real truth will prevail, when God who is the only judge of Larry, will declare him blameless because all his sins are under the blood and remembered no more. And God will say, "Well done," as thousands of souls are ushered into the kingdom on that final day because of Larry's witness. God bless Larry Norman!

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Posted by Crusher in USA @ 08:21 on Jul 19 2008

This guy, David Di Sabatino, is a nut job who is out to destory Larry's memory with half truths, rummors, and just plain lies. I wouldn't waist your money on anything that David Di Sabatino makes.

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