Ex-Korn man Brian Welch interviewed in Charisma magazine
ONE TIME lead guitarist for multi-platinum-selling hard rock band
Korn, Brian Welch gave an in-depth interview for the September issue
of Charisma magazine. He spoke about his deliverance from dependency
on drugs, alcohol and pornography. His autobiography, Save Me From
Myself, debuted at number 20 in the New York Times Best Sellers chart
and a solo CD is in the works.
Brian, I am a new convert too, just rededicated myself this past January. I just wanted to wish you well and am so happy for both you and Jennea. Not only is she learning about the Heavenly Father, but she has her biological father present in her life now as well. I have never heard a Korn song or heard of you for that matter until I saw your interview on a retrospect on CBN. I was thoroughly mesmerized by your testomonial. Best of luck to you and your lovely daughter. Take care:)