Brian Free & Assurance received great reviews for 'Beyond Amazed'

SOUTHERN gospel's bestsellers Brian Free & Assurance have released
their second CD since reverting to a trio in 2015 after the departure
of bass singer Jeremy Liles. 'Beyond Amazed' has been issued by
Daywind Records. Read a review on the MusicScribe website, "It may be
lost on some of their younger fans but Brian Free & Assurance are
ploughing through some of the same musical ground that 4Him covered
during their heyday in the 1990s. . . 'Beyond Amazed' is great on
every level that matters. . . Production quality, song selection,
vocal delivery, even the artwork is compelling."
Thank you for your ministry. My 93 year old mom is dying from cancer and you music ministers to my heart so much. I randomly found you on the gospel station locally. Your songs have brought so much comfort to my heart in the past few weeks. My mom is at the end of terminal cancer but knowing I have the blessed hope of seeing her again gives me peace.keep praising God and making music!