Breakspear asks hard questions in film Moria

A SHORT film by Lancashire-based musician and activist Breakspear, now
available on YouTube, endeavours to answer the question, what is a
refugee? Wrote Nick Breakspear, "So many times we pass harsh
comments on people and situations without having any real first-hand
knowledge - often choosing to take the spin of tabloid style news
reports rather than investigate the truth for ourselves. To my shame,
this is where I was at five years ago, when this searching question
landed at my door. What is a refugee? Since then I've received several
invitations to go and see for myself what the story is like on the
ground - condensing it into this short film Moria, shooting most of it
myself with extra footage supplied by Ghafoor Hussain. He is a true
humanitarian hero who literally puts his money where his mouth is,
feeding thousands of desperate human beings daily for FREE! On my eye
opening journey to find out what a refugee really is, I've met a small
army of modern day good Samaritans who thankfully have been willing to
cross political and cultural divides to offer food and shelter to our
fellow humans - it's only when our hands are empty we look for such
people to fill them."