Another of the new wave of praise and worship singer/songwriters is Liverpool's PETE CAULFIELD. He spoke to George Russell.

As I cruised through the exotic Garston wastelands, in my car I would hasten to add, I felt as much like interviewing an up-and-coming worship leader as having my seven remaining teeth extracted without anaesthetic. I'll level with you; I don't like praise and worship tapes! I know they are an inspiration to many, but like many of life's activities, I prefer to do it than listen to others doing it.
I was tired. I had not yet recovered from four consecutive hours of lecturing, three hours of which could be accurately described as word processing for Neanderthals. The course has been going for four weeks, but some still have not yet worked out how to switch on; some still can't find the Shift key. To top it all, the evening meal was not the gastronomic delicacy of the decade. I meditated on the real value of life, and the accuracy of the quaint Scouse expression "it does me head in". Not the most positive confession.
I found the door and rang the bell. The door was opened by a smiling fresh-faced dude in denims and lumberjack shirt. I said "Hello", but thought "Howdy pardner!"
Sitting there in the parlour, with the statutory cup of coffee, a piranha out of water, I asked myself "What am I doing here?" I could be out on the M6, thrashing my big, black Harley. if I had one.
Pete Caulfield presently teaches physics in a local school and is married to Tracey, also a teacher; they have a four-year-old son called Joel.
"I became a Christian when I was 18 and began writing worship songs not long after," explained Pete. "After attending a worship conference led by Graham Kendrick in 1985, I felt the Lord calling me to full time service involved with worship." Pete has led worship in local churches for 10 years, and his wider ministry includes leading praise and worship at events of various sorts across the North West. The largest to date was "Mersey Praise" in 1991 at the Anglican Cathedral which 1600 people attended.
His first cassette 'Release Your People' was itself released in 1993 and launched in the form of a worship concert at the Central Hall, Liverpool. Together with a songbook, it is selling steadily, and his new offering 'Reveal Your Power' will be available on compact disc and cassette in April. Pete's songs are now available on OHP transparencies and are being used in an increasing number of churches in and outside of Merseyside. All his music is registered with "The Worship Service", a new initiative set up by Geoff Shearn, formerly of Make Way Music, Kingsway Music and responsible for introducing Integrity's Hosanna Music into the UK.
Pete has brought together an accomplished set of singers and musicians and works according to the size of the venue, ranging from himself, guitar and backing track to a complete band with brass section. On several occasions Pete has put together a choir from the locality to take part in the worship event.
Pete has met with many of the most well known worship songwriters including Graham Kendrick and Chris Bowater, who have recognised the call of God on his life. Later this year Pete will be taking the big plunge. "I believe the Lord is leading me to reduce my teaching activities and will be going into full time ministry from September 1994."
As a mild mannered piranha would, I asked him a set of questions to stimulate "discussion" (eg, Isn't one Graham Kendrick enough?; Can you really go it alone with a wife and family to support?).
Reminiscent of a surprised bush baby, Pete leaned forward and laid his vision on me with intensity. His respect for Mr Kendrick is immense but, and I quote, "I don't want to be Graham - I want to be myself in God."
Warming to his topic Pete continued, "My burning ambition in God is to minister the love of Jesus to believers and unbelievers alike, and to see people released in worship; the kind of worship that transforms wimps into warriors and develops a vital relationship with the Lord."
As he spoke, an image formed in my mind: the Spiritual Beauticians! Jesus is coming back for his Bride, the Church, described in the Bible as spotless and unblemished. I don't see any local churches like this. I can see plenty of bitterness, insecurity, division and dishonesty; so what does the head of the Church see?
Those who are encouraging the individual members of the Bride of Christ to develop a real relationship with God, which occurs when we worship him in spirit and truth, are Spiritual Beauticians. As we draw nearer to the Lord we become more like him and the Church begins to resemble the fiancée of the King of Kings instead of the grizzling fishwife that is sometimes seen.
I have listened to the 'Release Your People' tape twice. I recently saw Pete, the band and a choir leading the worship at the Movement For Christian Democracy AGM in Liverpool. The singing and musicianship was of a very high standard. It would be unfair to single out anyone, but I will: the keyboard work of Liz Welch and the saxophone solos from Kathy Dignam were exceptional. Pete's lyrics encapsulate his vision to see the Church set free from religion and captivated by God's love.
Pete is an unassuming person with a gentle spirit. You won't find him
posturing round the festival circuit dragging an inflated ego behind
him: his personality doesn't hit you like a cement mixer. Pete Caulfield has a
love for Jesus that shows. He is being himself in God and called of
God for a time like this. Why not go to your local Christian bookshop,
or contact Pete direct, for your copy of 'Release Your People'? I
believe you would be investing in the Kingdom of God.
Hello, I trust this would reach you well. I am a youth leader of my church and we intend to host a youth even in July. one of our activities you is Praise and worship, we intend to invite Liverpool base artists to honour our event that would give room to promote your music and passion as well.
please I would love it if you reach me by email to discuss this further.
God bless you.