DC Talk: The American band playing in the UK

Tuesday 1st October 1996

The Nynex Arena Manchester on 19 October 1996 will see 12,000 fans giving vent to the kind of enthusiasm normally associated with concerts by megastars. But the appearance by DC TALK is more than a rare UK show by Christian music's hottest property.

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On Anti-Racist Songs
TOBY "The fact that songs like these even exist is a positive thing. And beyond that, music speaks very powerfully to our generation. It's more powerful than the government. It shapes and forms the minds of this generation. So we must be responsible with music. It can either build the walls of racism - or, if God's Word is in it - tear down those walls. Racism is a form of prejudice based on ignorance and fear. People are afraid to get out of their comfort zones and interact with different races so they form stereotypes. And stereotypes do harm to races."

On The Church
KEVIN "The Church, of course, has always been more than a building, more than an idea, more than a place - it is the very living people of God. And the reality of that, to me, is the strength that God's people actually possess in the midst of their own weaknesses. We might think we know all the right things God wants us to do - picking the right seat, singing the right songs, fearing the right fears, but he alone will choose what we are to do and to be, whether or not we 'do the right thing'. All he ever required of us was to show up."

On Merchandising The DC Talk Image
TOBY "First of all, I want to say that I'm not comfortable with it. I also want to say the T-shirts started out as a way to get to the next gig. I think the most important thing is not seeing someone's image on a T-shirt, but what that image might represent to somebody out there. If I'm walking down the street today and I see someone with a CeCe Winans t-shirt on I think of one thing - the way she represents Christ at the Grammy Awards."

On Accountability
TOBYS "I think it is up to the artist. We have a desire or we don't have a desire to be accountable. I have a desperate desire to let people see the light in me. I'm not the light, I can't be the light, but the Holy Spirit can be the light through me. The other thing I wanted to touch on was the idolization of artists. I had a gentleman come up to me and say, 'Can I have your signature for my son?' He totally idolizes you, Toby.' That's scary. I don't mind telling you, that makes me want to run from this industry. Wealth makes me want to run from this industry. I shake when I think about those things because wealth does not draw you to God - it doesn't. We have to keep asking the questions. And you know what, as artists, we have to be honest. If you put your eyes on me, I will fail you. There's got to be honesty there. As soon as we start acting like we have it all together, we're in deep trouble."

DC Talks Amongst Themselves
We put each of our DC heroes under a cone of silence and didn't let them see each other's answers in order to bring you this very honest, very thought-provoking look at the three entities of Talk and how they see their other thirds.

What is Toby's most overused verbal expression?
Kevin: "In other words"
Toby: "Bottoms line"
Michael: "Put it this way"

What is Michael's most overused verbal expression?
Kevin: "Oh dit"
Toby: "I love you, dude"

What is Kevin's most overused verbal expression?
Toby: "Blicky"
Michael: "Come on dude"

If Toby weren't involved in music, what occupation would his personality be best suited for?
Kevin: Debate Professor
Micheal: CEO of some company or politics

If Michael weren't involved in music, what occupation would his personality be best suited for?
Kevin: An ambassador to any country or community
Toby: A lobbyist

If Kevin weren't involved in music, what occupation would his personality be best suited for?
Toby: Prince of Wales
Michael: Author of great books

Which one of you would be most likely to buy a plane ticket on the spur of the moment and fly to London for a spot of tea? (aka-who is the most spontaneous?
Toby: Kevin
Michael: Kevin

Which one of you would jump the highest if a firecracker unexpectedly in the studio? (aka-who is the most highly-strung?)
Kevin: Michael
Toby: Michael would jump first, but Toby would jump higher.
Michael: Michael

Which of you would most likely to sleep through an alien abduction? (aka-who is the most laid back?)
Kevin: Toby
Toby: Toby
Michael: Toby

If Toby were an animal, what kind of animal would he be?
Kevin: Turtle
Michael: Rabbit

If Michael were an animal, what kind of animal would he be?
Kevin: Rabbit
Toby: Tyrannosaurus-Rex
Michael: Dog (Lab)

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