These are reader comments for the article 'Pamela Deuel Hart - Pamela Hart'
Reader Comments
Posted by Robert D. Geist in Portland. Oregon @ 04:05 on May 22 2009
I saw you in concert when I was a kid, at Lents Evangelical Church in the 70's. Over the years parts of a few songs have stuck with me, though I would like to know if any of your albums are available anywhere, or where to get copies of the albums. Please let me know. Thanks and God Bless!
I saw you in concert when I was a kid, at Lents Evangelical Church in the 70's. Over the years parts of a few songs have stuck with me, though I would like to know if any of your albums are available anywhere, or where to get copies of the albums. Please let me know. Thanks and God Bless!
Posted by l.d zafar in orlando florida @ 15:46 on Sep 19 2008
hello. i have been trying to find the words to your song "Free Again" and or music and have been unsucessful. please let me know if you will how to locate them. i just wanted to have a copy to include ina memorial folder i have of pete for over 36 yrs, as i know this song was his favorite. i am planning to visit his resting site, all powers that be are willing, around oct 7th or so and leave a memorial to him of some heart felt artwork i have been ernestly working on for him. i will laminate the pieces so they are more sturdy and protected. this is a trip i never thought i would have a chance to ever do, but things finally came together and i was blessed to be able to at this time in my life. better late i guess. this trip will be bitter sweet but to be able to see his home town will be very memoriable for me. i have always felt a strong connection to Pete and his compassion for the earth and animals. he was and still is my kindred spirit if you will and i hope you may be able to see my small token of affection for him that still would not or could not ever do him justice, but hopefully i was able to capture a small glimmer of his light that i believe still touches and inspires me strangely even now. i had not had any interest in drawing for over 3 years but after i found this memorial book i had made that i could not locate for over 27 years one day in some old bags of my mothers belongings only 2 months before i was to visit malone ny and realized i had time to drive to penfield, it breathed a kind of "new life" in to me and this memorial is what was born of it. i apologize for rambling but wished you to know the purpose of my request, and also i would like to sing it to him when i visit him. i belive in some way he will know... in peace my friend, l.d.zafar
hello. i have been trying to find the words to your song "Free Again" and or music and have been unsucessful. please let me know if you will how to locate them. i just wanted to have a copy to include ina memorial folder i have of pete for over 36 yrs, as i know this song was his favorite. i am planning to visit his resting site, all powers that be are willing, around oct 7th or so and leave a memorial to him of some heart felt artwork i have been ernestly working on for him. i will laminate the pieces so they are more sturdy and protected. this is a trip i never thought i would have a chance to ever do, but things finally came together and i was blessed to be able to at this time in my life. better late i guess. this trip will be bitter sweet but to be able to see his home town will be very memoriable for me. i have always felt a strong connection to Pete and his compassion for the earth and animals. he was and still is my kindred spirit if you will and i hope you may be able to see my small token of affection for him that still would not or could not ever do him justice, but hopefully i was able to capture a small glimmer of his light that i believe still touches and inspires me strangely even now. i had not had any interest in drawing for over 3 years but after i found this memorial book i had made that i could not locate for over 27 years one day in some old bags of my mothers belongings only 2 months before i was to visit malone ny and realized i had time to drive to penfield, it breathed a kind of "new life" in to me and this memorial is what was born of it. i apologize for rambling but wished you to know the purpose of my request, and also i would like to sing it to him when i visit him. i belive in some way he will know... in peace my friend, l.d.zafar
Posted by Teresa Lobeck in Vincennes Indiana @ 04:02 on Dec 16 2006
Hello, I have been trying to find your music from 1977. I met you at La Crescenta Four Square, and your music was very healing in my life. My aunt is Ann P. and Virginia A. is her sister and they are both friends of Linda F. I do hope Ms. Hart you are doing good and I just wanted you to know I was always blessed by your music back then. I can't believe it's been 30 years. Love to hear from you, God Bless
Hello, I have been trying to find your music from 1977. I met you at La Crescenta Four Square, and your music was very healing in my life. My aunt is Ann P. and Virginia A. is her sister and they are both friends of Linda F. I do hope Ms. Hart you are doing good and I just wanted you to know I was always blessed by your music back then. I can't believe it's been 30 years. Love to hear from you, God Bless
The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.
i would love to purchase your music on cd or however it is available please give me info on this as i feel god would like me to hear and be touched by your music