Reader Comments for Janny Grein: Paying tribute to a Jesus music pioneer

These are reader comments for the article 'Janny Grein: Paying tribute to a Jesus music pioneer'

Reader Comments

Posted by Cheryl s in Bloomfield nj @ 07:48 on Feb 24 2015

Right this moment I am heartbroken. I am just learning of Janny's passing. Years ago her music & witness for Jesus helped to sustain me through a very difficult time. Recently 'Stronger Than Before' kept welling up in my spirit. So, when I was awakened this morn & began searching I made this discovery. However, in the midst of momentary sadness I heard in my spirit "Well Done" she entered The Master's Joy. Her ministry lives on because it still rescues the perishing & strengthens the struggling.
4ever Love Jesus

Posted by Yvonne in Washington State, Tennessee @ 05:50 on Dec 21 2014

Janny Grein's song, Stronger Than Before, spoke to me and encouraged me during a very bleak time. I wasn't very familiar with it, but had heard it once a few months before darkness of grief descended upon me. I was commuting at the time and driving time was used for praying. However, on the particular day of which I write, I turned on the radio to a Christian station. I thought, "If I could just hear that song about broken wings, it would encourage me." I considered asking God for that, but decided that was silly. God, who knew my heart's desire, took pleasure in answering even when I was too faithless to ask. It was the next song to be played in the radio. I will never forget that. I was encouraged by the song, and assured that God cared about my heartache. Janny Grein's music continues to speak healing and hope to those who are broken. What a blessing she has been to me!

Posted by Karen Lafferty in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA @ 04:20 on Sep 13 2014

I actually had not heard of Janny's home going. She was one of my heroes as a songwriter and minister. Wrote powerful songs. We were contemporaries in the CCM scene in the 70s and 80s but I never had the pleasure of meeting her. Glad to know that that WILL come someday though. I honor this woman of God.

Posted by Mark Bridgewater in Sydney, Australia @ 06:11 on Aug 16 2014

I became a Christian in Feb 1972 after being in some very dark places. A Christian friend gave me Janny's Free Indeed album. Whoa, I was blown away with it's the power of it's relevance for me at that time. Janny's songs and the power of music to touch the heart and emotions helped me immeasurably on the first 5 years of my Christian journey. Thank God for the musicians, poets, writers and artists of the world who speak powerfully to the heart and spirit! The message of hope in this album struck a powerful chord in me. Love all her music.

Posted by Greg Whitehead in Sydney Australia @ 23:57 on Jul 29 2014

I posted this on another site when I learned of her passingFor me this is a real shock, Janny was and is my all time favourite Christian music minister. God gifted her with a beautiful musical talent, coupled with her integrity to sing the scripture and not compromise on any lyrical content made her exceptional. Her first 4 albums “Free Indeed”, the classic “Covenant Woman”, “He Made Me Worthy” and the phenomenal “Think On These Things’ (all produced by Billy Ray Hearn) were by far the best you can ever hear in CCM. Her book “Called Appointed Anointed’” is one that any potential Christian Music minister MUST READ continually and carry it with their Bible. I have lost count of the number of times her songs helped and encouraged me to keep going and stand for God and His Word since 1976.
I thank God for Janny Grein and the great contribution that she made, (as I write this I am mourning the loss, which I haven’t experienced like this since the passing of Keith Green)
God bless you Janny.

Posted by Michelle in Santa Clara, CA @ 20:23 on Jul 10 2014

Wow! I grew up singing Covenant Woman and More Than Conquerors/Count It All Joy with my mom. My mom would sit on the floor with her guitar, put on Janny and harmonize with her. Their voices blended so well together. My mom went to be with Jesus in 1989 (at the age of 37).

When I read that Janny passed, I was a little sad that I had never contacted her and told her about my mom and the foundation that they both laid for me growing up... then I realized that she probably already knows and they're both up there worshiping God face to face, harmonizing. I bet they still sound so good together.

Posted by Bill in Los Angeles, California @ 10:45 on Apr 27 2014

Just happened to check this website and tributes for your dear mom. She inspired me when I first accepted Jesus years ago and thereafter. Her music continues to be a living testament of God's love and your dad also. I look to meet both in Heaven and you too. God's best to you now & always!

Posted by Bobette Dupertuis in mariposa,Calif @ 23:39 on Apr 9 2014

In 1986 Janny came to our church in portland Oregon. We had started a Christian school under david Hummel at Victory Christian. it is now 20 years later and I am once again teaching kids. During my time of my husband cheating janny sat on my desk and sang to me. I just had a thought of her and would like to get ahold of her music. Please contact me by email. All in for Jesus

Posted by Don King in Paola, Ks @ 15:17 on Jan 13 2014

We met Janny at the Knott Berry Farm gospel night many years ago! A night we will never forget. Her demonstrated Love of Christ changed lives that night. She dedicate a song to non believers and our friend was the only one that admitted to being a non believer so it was dedicated to him! He is now a faithful Christian. Love in Christ, Don King

Posted by gustavo gonzalez t. in mexico d.f. @ 22:14 on Jan 1 2014

a mis hermanos de la familia de janny les doy mi mas sentido pésame x el fallecimiento de mi hermana janny grein.
por otro lado en donde puedo comprar el CD de la antología de janny grein aquí en México D.F. saludos y que en Señor los siga bendiciendo

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