Reader Comments for Greenbelt '08: The Music Reviews

These are reader comments for the article 'Greenbelt '08: The Music Reviews'

Reader Comments

Posted by Megan in Manchester @ 20:17 on Sep 3 2008


Posted by Tom Whitman in Bournemouth @ 18:11 on Sep 2 2008

Without wanting to spark too big a debate, what do you term as a mickey mouse label? Surely every label is important. There's plenty of good music on smaller independent labels and thats what makes the music scene so diverse.

Posted by jd in london @ 11:38 on Sep 2 2008

Im not quite sure what the reviewer was talking about when calling greenbelt a 'christian' festival? it is more a liberal arts festival where any kind of sexuality and half soaked belief meets together! barely christian in my opinion! and fightstar were much better than dweeb!! showing the reasons why they are signed to a major label rather than a mickey mouse label!

Reply by Jonny Death RFD vox in Swindon @ 12:48 on Sep 3 2008


Greenbelt is very much a christian Festival, Not every band that plays are christian,
however the main lineup is constructed of christian bands and it is admitidly a shame
that you do have to look / use a certain ammount of spiritual dicernment over what
you watch / hear.However You can't hold the festival accountable for every single
persons / bands spiritual status, so in conclusion
Yes Greenbelt is a christian festival, but you shouldnt judge based on the individuals.
Did you catch my band, Rising From Death?? Were very much christian, and we worship during
our set.

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Posted by Paul K in Lancashire @ 09:40 on Sep 2 2008

I felt a bit let down by GB this year, there was some good stuff but nothing really exciting. whoever booked the band with no name for that kids venue needs firing, their set with their new line up was awesome but we werent allowed in the venue so we and many others had to watch through the door from outside!!

Reply by Liz Long in Worthing @ 09:22 on Nov 19 2008

Tell me about it - I wanted to see [dweeb] again and couldn't because it was just for the under 18's - peh!

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Posted by Dan in Salisbury @ 18:00 on Sep 1 2008

HEY, good reviews, i agree with the bands i saw, wheres Tankus the Henge reviews, and Rising From Death, and Desert sun, those where the bands that made the weekend, !!!! specially Rising From Death

Reply by Andy in Oxford @ 14:47 on Sep 15 2008

To be fair tho, they were having a lot of sound problems, and its not there normal set usually the crowds they play to know what to do before they start so there already there

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Reply by Pete W in Sheffield @ 13:35 on Sep 4 2008

I saw a lot of metal/punk/hard music bands ... but Rising from Death just took too long telling people how to do a circle pit, etc.

Desert Son were brilliant ... and i've been told that they have a new CD coming out soon.

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Posted by Liz Long in Worthing @ 10:26 on Sep 1 2008

Some pretty accurate and honest reviews there.

As always I thought [dweeb] were excellent - absolutely brilliant to see you on Mainstage this year, although I loved the feel of the Underground gig too(despite the inpromtu nature of it!). Both covers were fantastic :D Seeing Tim dancing around while singing them was rather special.

Also the AFC were fantastic!! Never seen them before but I am an overnight fan. I echo many Greenbelters when I say "Mainstage!" for 2009.

Beth Rowley was the suprise of Greenbelt - very down to earth and great songs. My personal favourite moment was when she was on mainstage and shouted "Hey! Who woke up with fuzzy teeth this morning?!"

Fantastic weekend :)

Posted by Emily in London @ 15:29 on Aug 30 2008

Interesting set of reviews - great to find out about what i missed. I did catch The Effras on Sat lunchtime in the Underground. Their nostalgic alt country tunes about London life did not disappoint. One to watch I'm sure. The Underground looked pretty packed from where i was standing - anyone else enjoy?

Posted by Parsely Twinge in Tyneside @ 22:53 on Aug 29 2008

Points of clarification on the song, "One of Us", as performed recently by Mr. Joseph:

(i) the popuar version was by Joan OSBORNE

(ii) the piece was written by ERIC BAZILIAN
[http://www.ericbazilian (+dotcom)]

Reply by Ewan in Cheltenham @ 14:43 on Sep 17 2008

In my defence, i was summarising Martyn's own anecdote where he said something along the lines of 'I was tempted to tell her how to play her own song, but decided against it'. Still, thanks for the fascinating facts and spelling correction :)

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Reply by Parsley Twinge in Tyneside @ 17:53 on Sep 1 2008

Further. In his song, Mr. Bazilian poses the interesting rhetorical question to the listener: "What would you ask (of God) if you had just one question?"

After some deliberation, I settled on this show-stopper.

Q: "Please Sir (?), my 'one question' is, 'What is the right question to ask?' " [Chuckling to myself that this would flummox Him, Her, It!]

Alas, the probable Response also occurred to me.

A: "THAT ONE!" [Delivered with lots of reverb, just like Elvis!]

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Posted by Dave Ashworth in Coventry, UK @ 17:50 on Aug 28 2008

A great set of reviews as usual. This year's festival was a blast and I particularly enjoyed sets from Death is Not Welcome here, The AFC and Beth Rowley. Fun times.

However, despite being pleased with the positive nature of our review (I play drums in [dweeb]) I would like to categorically state that our cover of 'American Boy' was indeed spontaneous and myself and the rest of the [dweeb] boys had no idea Tim was planning such a stunt.

Over and out.


Reply by Tom Whitman in Bournemouth @ 14:10 on Aug 29 2008

Haha sorry about that one Dave. I was very wrong to make that assumption. Great set though

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Posted by Andy in Cheltenham @ 16:42 on Aug 28 2008

Whens Rising From Deaths review coming online, those guys were awesome, VOTE RFD AND TANKUS THE HENGE FOR MAINSTAGE GB09

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