Reader Comments for Prosch Returns To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Prosch Returns To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Rhonda in North Carolina @ 03:41 on Mar 14 2010

I have to say that Kevin Prosch has been used by God and it's good to know that he will continue to be used...we don't have any right to judge. He did the right thing in repentance and taking time to be restored...
We sometimes forget that the ones on the front are human...and noone is perfect except Jesus.

Posted by gary west in bradford @ 14:30 on Feb 20 2010

Mr Prosch. from many years ago you have been one of my favourite artists and have always been the first name i have mentioned when talking about christian artists. thank god for men who are real. that's why you touch so many brother. I was in a house group the other day and i mentioned how heartbreaking it is that when people become christians, they don't make it their priority to pass that grace to others. when we remember Moses David and saul, lets remember what they were actually like and what they became and pray that we see that same potential in everyone. Im entering public worship myself after 23 years of secular music. I don't come from the christian background but i'm now saved and sometimes feel that i get opposition just because of my past. I can't change that, but more importantly i cant change the fact that no matter what, i have a gifting that can bless so many and i hope many others who have no hope will hear and be inspired to their own greatness in christ, which is their birthright.
The world just needs people like you to tell them that, instead of the resounding gong of public prejudice and opinion. so carrry on, and god bless.

Posted by Patt Collins in Anaheim California @ 18:40 on Jan 15 2010

You blessed my husband so much after singing so come at VCF he cried. I had never seen him cry except at son baptisum. After we got your cassette he sit in the garage for hour listen to so come. He said you wrote to about him. after his stroke he made sign to have me bring player and cassette so he could lister to your tape. God bless you Kevin.

Posted by ALEXANDER PARNES @ 22:45 on Dec 21 2009

i just want to thank you kevin for shareing your heart through your music and allowing me to enter into worship in a new way and not feel ashamed of going for God.....i would love to come to the states and record an album with you it would be a dream because all i want to do is worship jesus and see the creative arts released in a wider and deeper way

Posted by Col in Oz @ 22:02 on Oct 29 2009

(John, you should have read all the posts. Some have expressed concern for Kevin's wife and kids too)

Posted by John in Australia @ 03:21 on Sep 29 2009

Yes we all like Kevin Music and his worship style And he will bless the church again.
However I am disappointed no one who posted here mention concern for his ex wife and his children Broken but this Our sin effects many people

Posted by Alexis in CONNECTICUT @ 04:02 on Sep 27 2009

I first want to say the past is the past.. dont let your past tell you what your future will be.. on a second note does any one know if kevin prosch is still touring. I know hes been to Rhode Island and such but i cant seem to find any information where he will be at..

Posted by Steve Lehmann in Indiana @ 02:06 on Sep 17 2009

Does anyone know how his first wife and children are doing? Did she divorce him or did he divorce her?

Posted by Sonia McLean in Idaho Falls, Idaho @ 21:24 on Sep 4 2009

I was just listening to the song "So Come." It has been one of my all time favorites, and each time I listen to this song, I weep. I am so happy that you have been restored back to public ministry. You have such a beautiful and precious gift. Keep singing the song of the Lord and making His praise glorious!

Best wishes and blessings,
Sonia McLean

Posted by Nick Mills in Farnham, UK @ 13:49 on Aug 2 2009

Kevin, It was reading your history and testimony, and listening to your music (while I was drinking myself towards death) and surrendering to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that made a massive difference to my future.
Maybe we will meet up this side of the Jordan!
With love and hugs,
Nick Mills

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