Reader Comments for I'm Sorry Ted

These are reader comments for the article 'I'm Sorry Ted'

Reader Comments

Posted by Anonymous in USA @ 18:49 on Nov 13 2006

Yesterday was the Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church worldwide. Every 3.5 seconds a believer is tortured and dies for their faith. In the time it takes to read Mr. Brock's whiney article, dozens of believers have died horribly for Christ. Mr. piously lecture us on how "hard" life is for the poor victimized spiritual leader...take some notes on the unsung heros who have given their lives for the same freedom of Christ that these weak willed ministers choose to sully. Get your perspective right, Mr. Brock.

Posted by Scott Beverley in Redditch, England @ 08:11 on Nov 12 2006

Here God's view on this. Read

Posted by Juanita Ortega in Colorado @ 23:27 on Nov 11 2006

Where are the articles written encouraging compassion for the flock who are left disallusioned, wounded, and unable to trust spiritual leaders again after being deceived by leaders such as Mr. Haggard? Why are these immoral leaders needing more compassion and restoration than the flock of trusting believers? Why do teachers such as Mr. Brock forget to include the verses about millstones being hung around the necks of those who wound God's flock? I too am tired of posers and fakes.

Posted by Jim Smith in Colorado @ 06:28 on Nov 11 2006

Who speaks up for the flock who is left disallusioned, wounded, and many times unable to trust another man of God again? We are instructed to have compassion for the fallen minister yet where is the same encouragment to show compassion for the flock left scattered in his wake. There seems no concern for restoring their trust and faith but rather great amounts of concern for restoring the fallen leaders life and ministry. Seems a bit self serving.

Posted by Anonymous in Southern California @ 03:24 on Nov 11 2006

Yes, there is compassion for the leader who falls ONCE and is contrite. However, there are leaders who "fall" or, in reality, willfully dabble in sexual sin over and over and over again, who know full well they are wrong because they they have been caught before, yet who play out their charade on the church by acting like victims when they are confronted. These are not victims but repeat offenders and need to be exposed and removed from ministry contact. The legal world does not tolerate it - neither should the church.

Posted by Evy Moscatelli in Duluth,MN @ 11:40 on Nov 10 2006

Brother Tom is soooo right on with his statements. Where is the love in the Body of Christ? Of course, disciplinary action must be taken, but do we place our leaders on so high a pedestal they don't feel they can climb down and ask for help? The only one who should be lifted up is Jesus. He will never disappoint us.

Posted by Marta Frantisek in Albuquerque, NM @ 20:30 on Nov 8 2006

Homosexuality is not a sin, an addiction, or a choice. It is a sexual orientation. Evangelicals choose to torture every young gay person in our society, in their charge, who is trying to find their true sexual orientation, which is part of identitity.

If the Bible said "love women, but hate their periods, because they are unclean" it would make about as much sense as love the homosexual, hate the sin. Women have periods. Homosexuals have natural sexual feelings for members of their own sex.

Reply by Becca in Colorado @ 08:06 on Nov 13 2006

I couldn't prove to you that there isn't a "homosexual gene" in someone, but there is one "gene" all mankind has. It's called the 'Judgement Gene'. There are people who are judgmental toward Christians. There are people who are judgmental toward homosexuals. God is he offers us a life beyond judgment, free from it, and at peace with Him.

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Posted by Angel in Colorado Springs @ 19:48 on Nov 8 2006

Thank you for this article. I am a member of New Life and have known Ted for many years. This is a heartbreaking week for our family. We love Ted dearly and are struggling to cope with this. We forgive him though and are using this as a lesson in compassion for others suffering as Ted did. Thank you for your compassionate article. God bless you.

Posted by Brenda in Anchorage, Alaska @ 15:56 on Nov 8 2006

It grieves me to read about this family being so hurt. I talked to my son, Jesse, thinking it would be brought up in church but they totally didn't mention it.

He (Jesse) has been backing off from christianity and I told him that this situation illustrated a man who was human and struggled with sin. He gave in to it. I told him many people would use this as an excuse to leave the church and there would be fallout.

Even though I am disappointed our pastor didn't address this situation, I am glad I was able to communicate human compassion and faith to my son.

Posted by Tony in Colorado @ 14:29 on Nov 8 2006

No offense intended but you sure left out alot of scripture in your article. I could go on for hours sharing scripture that says BE AN EXAMPLE. Paul repeatedly stated to actually FOLLOW his example not his words, not his oration gift , not his show BUT HIS EXAMPLE!! Ted needs mercy and grace like anyone but we're all tired of fakes.

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