Reader Comments for Shirley Goes R&B

These are reader comments for the article 'Shirley Goes R&B'

Reader Comments

Posted by Evangelist in Ohio @ 10:05 on Feb 10 2007

The bible says a friend of the world is the enemy of God -- the church and world do not mix. He also said come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord. No, we aren't to "judge" but we are to tell the truth. If we see our brother or sister over taken in a fault we are to restore such a one. At the beginning of my walk with the Lord I loved to listen to Shirley Caesar -- Today I listened to a video clip on You tube and she stated that David and Joseph probably rapped -- they didn't have such a thing back then. David was a true worshipper read book of Psalms -- he knew how to praise God with a pure heart. Ms Caesar please don't try to justify your rapping! You cannot enter the presence of God singing or talking just anything. It's just entertainment for the flesh not the spirit.

Posted by Jay in Nowhere @ 03:36 on Jan 27 2007

Shirley music is terrific she just kicked it up a knotch
She is great and remember dont put your mouth on anyone preaching god's word

Posted by Ian Spencer in Jamaica @ 04:57 on Jan 13 2007

It is so necessary to remember that it is not the whole who need a doctor but the sick. This song "I Know the Truth" is so good because it gets under the skin of people who are trapped and bound by religion. The lie is that we are only godly when we have the permission of everybody to do what God has led us to do. Pastor Shirley and Brother Tonex. May the Lord continue to use you to cause people to 'never stop praising the Lord ' and 'make us over again'. Big respec' from Jam down

Posted by mark in new orleans @ 16:40 on Nov 28 2006

Pastor Shirley was merely extending a hand to Tonex because he's been getting so much flack from Gospel artist because of his style of music. This particular song will speak to young sinners and delivered christians. You believe that the Devil tells lies, you believe that God can deliver you, You believe that Jesus died so that you can be free from the bondages of sin, but you don't believe that God can use the truth in any form and bless someone by it. I won't judge, but we are worrying about the wrong thing. We all need to shout "I been delivered, so you aint got nothing on me"

Posted by toni brown in Memphis,Tenn. @ 15:18 on Sep 15 2006

The lyrics are gospel lyrics. nothing secular about this.she IS singing gospel/ the song/ the music is gospel..there is nothing R&B about this song! i just do not understand the negative remarks ! this song is no more contemporary than some of shirley`s previous songs..except on "i know the truth"has a little rap line.even with the rap, this song still has a traditional gospel music sound..i mean really, what is rapping?.It is nothing but talking in a rhythm form..honey shirley has been doing that for many many years.

Posted by Tracy in Raleigh NC @ 16:14 on Aug 20 2006

First of all I want to say that this is a awesome album. Secondly, choose your words wisely. This is an annointed woman of God you are talking about. How dare you compare her to JaRule and 50 Cent? But guess what, they have much respect for her, when you don't. Just to let you know, she had the opportunity to witness to Tupac just weeks before he was gunned down. He listened to her and thanked her. So the next time you hear her hit, "I Know The Truth", don't get mad, get delivered, the fault in not in my pastor, its in you.

Posted by Ruth in Baltimore,MD @ 06:38 on Aug 2 2006

This is a wonderful cd and I have no problem with her rapping and to Miki watch and choose your words wisely comparing a Gospel Legend to ja rule and 50 cent you are rude and ignorant for that all throughout the song she is still making references to God. Miki you fall on your knees and ask for God's forgiveness for talking about a Pastor which is wrong in theeyes of God so look in the mirror before you talk about someone.To all of you up here talking bad about a Pastor seek Jesus because I am sure she went before God before doing this cd

Posted by Rachel in Mississippi @ 06:12 on Jul 30 2006

I want to like this song, but it just doesn't feel right. I am kind of disappointed in Shirley Ceasar; she is a gospel pioneer. And this comes right after Yolanda Adams singing Chaka Kahn songs on the BET Awards!

Posted by Ramonda in Greenville Texas @ 17:51 on Jul 17 2006

I think this is terrible and Shirley Caesar should be ashamed of herself. This is so out of GODS order.. okay Shirley are you GOSPEL now or R&B? There is suppose to be a difference ya know, the two aren't suppose to mix. You are old school Shirley, you should know better.

Reply by kheru in bklyn @ 18:43 on Mar 23 2009

Shame on you for being so judgmental. Isn't that "out of god's order?" Christian people are the most belligerently narrow minded and hatefully judgmental because they believe ony they know what god wants or even, what every single word in the bible means? I thought reading that book and fellowshipping is supposed to make you more loving. Why does that so seldom seem to be the case?

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Posted by Miki in Baton Rouge @ 03:21 on May 31 2006

I believe that Shirley Caesar needs to re-dedicate her life to Jesus. I just recently heard a so-called "christian" song with her and Tonex....and I distinctly remember them saying "we're going to the grammy's" on this particular song. If I remember correctly this phrase was directed towards someone else. What about the Lord? When we sing christian songs, aren't we supposed to be praising the Lord and lifting Him up. I personally don't see a difference between Shirley Ceasar/Tonex and 50 Cents/Ja Rule. The only exception is that they aren't cursing.

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