Reader Comments for Judy Mowatt: From Rasta to disciple

These are reader comments for the article 'Judy Mowatt: From Rasta to disciple'

Reader Comments

Posted by Andrew @ 03:03 on Sep 28 2008

I saw Judy in Portland, ME in the late 80's, about 2 years after I became born again in Christ.
I remember giving a card to the drummer after the show who said he would pass it along to her - I had written something about the gospel and my desire to speak with her some day in heaven...
I always loved those sweet harmonies backing up Bob Marley, and also her solo work, especially Black Woman and Sing our Own Song...that record of just the I-Threes(He's a Legend -or is it called Ascension -can't recall)is another beautiful album.
I was so encouraged to find out years later about her conversion.
Judy, your wonderful music has helped make salvation mean even more to me.

Posted by Shades in London @ 17:27 on Sep 14 2008

This debate should not lead to divisions - amongst God-Loving people of the African race, Please.

There should be know spilling of blood for religion, there are none who are better than others based on belief system.

Posted by ziggi in brum/uk @ 14:00 on Jul 24 2008

I cannot see Bob sighting Christ as either a revelation, or contradictory to the teachings of Rasta.

If Selassie is Christ in the second advent, then one must believe that there was a first. Does not the first then represent the foundation?

Is not both Christ and H.I.M not of the house of David? The path may differ, but the root is one in the same. Where is the distinction?

If indeed Bob did call out to Christ before his passing, it was not in contradiction to his message of giving thanks and praise to the most high; Jah.., Rastafari.

Posted by Ras Asher in Ethiopia @ 18:17 on Jul 4 2008

Fire BURn your wicked lies and Propoganda
How long will you heathen attempt to take everything from Rastafari and still deny Rastafari, eh?
And now you try to take one of ini greatest messengers???
You cannot see that HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY is the Black Christ in you talk of Bob "converting" , you weak hearted fools, you do not real-eyes that Rastafari is the true christ.
One foolish one asked if King Selassie is God,then who was he praying to?
Are you really so foolish?
Then you tell me if "jesus" is God, then who was he praying to?

Jah forgive your wickedness,for you know not what you do or say

Posted by Stacey N Okonkwo in Houston, Texas USA @ 23:08 on Jul 3 2008

Jesus Christ said Himself that,"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man comes to the Father but by Me." John 14:6. I am so glad that Bob Marley accepted Christ before he passed away, now we can truly know that he is not dead but immortalized in eternity with the Lord.
I am going to pray that the bridge between Rastafari and Christainity be bridged by Rastas being led to the belief and knowledge that Jesus loves them deeply, understands their pain, and is their Savior. Jamaicans, I feel have a much richer culture than any other formerly enslaved people and I'm speaking this as a Black female born and living in America. Keep the culture but revise the faith. The Word says that where two or more are gathered in His name God is in their midst. Please say a quick prayer for Rastas to accept Jesus Christ.
Jah Jesus Christ!

Posted by michael in usa @ 05:02 on May 27 2008

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that WHOSOEVER (not any color) BELIEVE IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. Just to let the world know that if ourself righteousness could cut it and if the answer was yes to jesus comment to the Father in gethsaname, Calvary would not happen but it did, so the only way is through christ believe it yes or no it wont change our disbelief is no magic pill that make the truth of the Lord jesus chrst disappears

Posted by MICHAELLOVELACE in USA @ 04:51 on May 27 2008

i love it

Posted by tezford in fiji @ 00:52 on May 12 2008

I am so blessed.
thank u Jesus for saving him.
I better let my friends know that Bob gave his life to
Christ b4 his death.


Posted by Carlton in Sunnyvale,California @ 13:59 on Apr 4 2008

We all know that there is one GOD ALMIGHTY. I believe too many people in this world get things all twisted. Keep reading the Holy Word and give all your praise to Lord Jesus Christ. Bob was wanting to see peace to all mankind because Bob was a real person who cared about humanity. Every person in this world needs to give all there glory to Mr.Creator Jehovah (Jah) he created us all. God Bless.

Posted by pastor t in Curacao, The Neth. Antilles @ 01:45 on Mar 28 2008

The joy of listening to gospel music each new day is because Jesus is the reason why I live. In this last few months, I've developed interest for 'Reggae Gospel' and I just happened to lay hands on this piece of music I love to dance to but have not really listened to the lyrics well till today and for 10 straight hours I've not stopped listening to it. The title? Judy Mowatt's 'My Lord and Saviour'. I tell you, the message it carries is an embodiment of the whole gospel. Thank you Judy, I have fallen in love with this song.

This led me to search the net for information on Judy which brings me to this web page. I'm amazed, but equally filled with joy to know the legendary Bob Marley experienced the real and true Messiah before leaving earth.

One thing that I know, Rita Marley lives in Ghana [West Africa] today and is doing philantropic work helping the needy. If from Judy's testimony Rita was witness to Bob's prayer for the Lord to receive him, I hope that ministered to her spirit as well to see the need to seek the Lord's salvation. That's humanity's most felt-need: the need for a Lord and Saviour and not just bread or shelter.

By the way, seeking information on Judy also led me to Yahoo [] where it is advertised you can get the best information on Judy. To my surprise an article on Judy did not mention anything about her conversion to Christ, except a comment about how she saw Bob Marley through the Bible as, 'really Joseph in his second advent.'

The world may deny or refuse to accept our liberation and conversion to Christianity and only hold on to our past, but the simple truth is that we have found a new Lord and a Saviour in Jesus Christ. Such is what happened to Bob Marley and Judy Mowatt.

Praise be the Messiah who never turns His back on the prodical child!!!

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