Reader Comments for Judy Mowatt: From Rasta to disciple

These are reader comments for the article 'Judy Mowatt: From Rasta to disciple'

Reader Comments

Posted by Gray in Seattle WA @ 18:19 on Jan 25 2014

One thing I will say, whether it be baptist, catholic, Pentecostal, Judaism or Rastafarianism they all worship money

Posted by Chrismarr in Montreal,Canada @ 17:27 on Jun 24 2013

Hi, please follow the Lord Jesus Christ and him only. Not man, let me tell you my testimony. I used to be agoraphobic and depressed, on medication and couldn't take proper care of my child. Because of this, I lived a terrible situation and I cried out to God and begged him, with everything in me for help and for answers and guidance and he heard me and sent me Jesus Christ to come and give me peace in my heart. I didn't know Jesus's role was so important in getting to know God and that we have to follow Jesus and do the things that he says or else we will be judged at the last day. I didn't know God was real, I just thought he was religion and I asked him for help in desperation, with the little faith I had that he was watching and seeing everything I was going through. Jesus is real, and God led me to Jesus! I used to just think he was like a "character", I didn't realize it is only through him that we have access to God as our father or else we are still lost and don't know God at all. After God gave me peace and showed me he was real, I cried out to him for healing and he healed me, after that I was in religion because I still did not understand... I read my bible every night and my heart was opened but still yet I was missing power. Then I sought him for power and he showed me that I need the Holy Spirit, because to overcome sin and the lust of the flesh, and confidence is in the Holy Spirit. So God baptized me with fire and I received the Holy Spirit, in my room between me and God and I felt what Jesus described as being "born again", because I truly was not the same person but a different person, and eyes were seeing things differently, all my senses were awakened. I had to ask for the baptism, it was not just automatic as some may think. We have to ask and seek God, we can't just assume we have the Holy Spirit. God showed me that Judy Mowatt's music is of him, because a lot of Christian singers are not really glorifying God in their music.

Reply by denzel in south africa western cape @ 18:16 on Oct 29 2014

so true often people sing about religion and god bit often they dont realize what kind of message they spreading but on the other hand people have it in them to inturperit somthing good into something bad and music is part of us that makes us human thats why we feel happy when we hear our faveroute song or cry when we hear our faverout love song it speaks to us in our spirit

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Posted by sense2k in nyc @ 21:32 on Apr 17 2013

Haile Selassie was a man nothing more. In fact, the lord our God, placed him is his position in life. God is not far from us. We choose to not believe the word of God and instead believe every kind of lie that there is.
Truly open your eyes, mind and hearts to accept God.
Most of us set our own standards even with the religion and beliefs of our choosing. The time does come for each of us however, when mercy ends and justice is handed down.

Posted by Angie Bennett in Miami Florida @ 05:06 on Mar 5 2013

Hi Judy. god's grace is sufficient, I am happy that you love god. The day will come when we will see Peter and Bob again. peace and love

Posted by M in Leeds @ 00:21 on Oct 14 2012

Some of the words of Jesus are " I am the Way the Life and the Truth."No one comes to The Father but by Me." "In My Father's House there are many Mansions, there I go to prepare a place for you"(Heaven/Home)One has to be a New Creation in Christ (born again) of the Spirit of Truth, through The Son. Flesh and blood cannot enter into Heaven,(it is a Spirit Realm/environment), but to be born of the Spirit. (The Creator who said let there be light, and from whom all of mankind and creation was birthed made a way, The way back to Him is through His Son because, we rebelled against Him through disobeidience. Although this is NOT a parable from The Lord, some of you may have heard of a saying "If you love the cow you have to accept the calf, which refers to accepting your partners child also in the relationship. Whilst no way am i referring to God and His Son as a cow and calf, the message is, to enter into a relationship with The Father is through The Son. Please read a few bible scriptures which are evident in prophesying who Jesus is; Psalms chapt 22- King David prophesying of his saviour to come, Proverbs ch23 vs 26, John ch3 vs16, acts ch4 vs12, romans ch10 vs9 to 11, Isaiah ch9 vs6 onward . There are so many others. The hearts of mankind is so hardened and desparately wicked as said in the scriptures that no one comes to The Father unless He chooses at an appointed time to call us, Many are called: few are chosen . Because we are so stubborn and hard, often The Lord will allow us to go through various trials which make us cry out to Him from our souls, often in sickness, loss and many other desparate situations, because we don't really mean it when we cry out to Him. Because of His Pure Love towards us, He will make a way for us to come to Him when we hit rock-bottom in our lives, so that He will get the victory in our lives.
Lots of Love to you all, M.

Posted by jenny in nyc @ 06:48 on Aug 5 2012

Just finished seeing Bob Marley doc on VHI and was wondering if he was saved. Happier knowing that he did find Jesus at the end of his life. This Sessalie guy, oh no, It is clearly written that you cannot worship any other "gods" so these Rastas please follow Bob's lead and turn to Christ.

Posted by DaughterOfDivineLove in London @ 13:54 on Jun 8 2012

It is sad that alot of people seem to be living the truth of men and not God. I believe that if you truely seek Him you shall find him , knock and the door will be opened. But many are not listening.....lost in the fog of human emotion and sentiment. Not even to our beloved Emporer Haile Selassie I when he talks, for he says the truth that Christ is the way, truth and the life. He sent The high priests of the Ethiopian Orthodox to set up the Christian chrurch in Jamaica ( there are now 5 branches) who have baptised up to 20,000 (see youtube interview with the Bishop in Jamaica). I was a Rasta for 15 years and like Judy I was genuine. I am genuine thats why when i took time to study the teachings of His Imperial Majesty, the door was opened by Jesus Christ ( which is simply Divine Love) the Father made manifest in man. The emporer says of himself "I am a disciple of Christ". My point is, if we truely love our beloved Emporer we must listen to what he says, about Jesus Christ and about himself, and not blindly follow teachings set up by the anguish and pain of our suffering people. And the irony is if we would turn to the true teachings of Christ we would be overcomers of all the suffering we endured and endure in Babylon. Blessed Love..Peace to all mankind.

Posted by birdman in london @ 13:18 on May 6 2012

Brother Bob spread the word of love for all mankind through his music and faith, surely that is more important than the way in which he celebrated God. maybe one day mankind will realise that all roads lead to home. his greatest message seemed to be that we have the potential to assist each other with love and unity. there are people from all faiths that have been projected forward by Bobs messages. let us focus on his teachings rather than argue as to how he chose to praise God. he was a truly thought provoking messenger. love for all mankind, whatever your faith.

Reply by Levite @ 21:47 on Mar 10 2013

My brother I just want to tell you in a respectful way that all roads doesn't lead to home, some roads lead to other peoples home and some roads lead to a dead end or over a cliff. the word of God said, "Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the ONLY WAY the truth and the life no man cometh onto the father but by Jesus Christ. There is also NO OTHER NAME GIVEN UNDER HEAVEN WHEREBY MAN SHALL BE SAVED BUT BY THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. God bless and I hope you take this with an open mind.

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Posted by H. Asare-Baah in Kumasi, Ghana @ 19:43 on Apr 7 2012

Big thanx to Judy. I've always admired her courage and sincerity. Glad to know that Marley also saw the light before he left. The black race is ready to rise on the truth. Thanx again, Judy.

Posted by Bongo Najja Foluke in New Orleans, La @ 01:27 on Apr 3 2012

I can only say that I know I have reached redemption through Rastafari, not Christ in the first Advent. I have experienced a rebirth through the power of HIM Haile Selassie I and that cannot change. I've been on this glorious path for over 30 years, living it to the fullest to the best of my ability. So many great blessings have come my way as a result of my acceptance of HIM Haile Selassie I as my holy redeemer, and such beauty in knowing He is the God of the Israelites, Jah's Chosen People, of which I KNOW I am a descendent. If Bob did call upon Jesus towards his end of life in the physical, I won't put him down for that. I can only justify my actions - not anyone else. My love of Rastafari is eternal and I will continue in that direction as long as I am upon this earth. Jah Rastafari!

Reply by Mhlanga in Pietermaritzburg @ 12:05 on Aug 28 2012

People please study Holy Bible, Jesus Christ is real, salvation is real and eternal life is real! Christ said "follow me" "come unto me" "I am the way, the truth, and the life". He NEVER said follow well planned religion and churchianity, STUDY your bibles u'll see that there is a fine line between Christianity and churchianty. Illuminati knew very well that there is no other way of beating Jesus other than joining Him falsely to pervert His gospel and lead people astray. Please read your bible it has all the answers.

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Reply by ras reuben in st lucia @ 00:09 on Jun 17 2012

I totally agree.H.I.M is clearly the spiritual leader of the world with the battle scars to prove it.if there was no J in the hebrew alphabet, then how come jesus or even josepheus.reality may just be much more fearful than beliefs or fantasy.and there is a contradiction in the statement sayin we should not emulate a human being as diety.remember the chalcedon council. the orthodox church has always defended the humanity and divinity of christ as one thing in the same.who do they worship jesus ,the man or jesus ,the christ/god or is it the same thing anyway.

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