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Article Title: I Have A Melody
Author of reported comment: Rachel Bryant
Comment Date: 18:13 on Jul 8 2023
Comment: My parents purchased Ed Lyman Sings when we got a Small electric organ when I was a child. I recently came across this booklet that was purchased in the 60's. I have been unable to find the songs in it on youtube. I would like to learn to sing them but I don't have the melodies to sing them to. I never learned anything on organ except the numbers to push to play them,and no longer have the organ. I am not interested in purchasing records. I did find The New 23rd that Ed sang 1/25/2009 and a few others, but none that are in the booklet I have. Is there a place I could hear the music for I Have a Melody, God's Matchless Love an d also Wond'ring without having to pay for a record ?
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