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Article Title: For Such A Time As This
Author of reported comment: Gillian Pender
Comment Date: 03:28 on Nov 27 2020
Comment: I’m not sure who the gentleman is who reviewed this piece. I got to know of Chrysalis sometime after the first cassette “Jesus is the Answer’’ which was brilliant ( before the days of DVDs) Fiona together with a fellow Salmond also in the band with his wife, wrote (almost) all the music with Fiona, a lady of enormous talent as a singer/songwriter. The other lady in the group was perhaps not so strong vocally, but would NEVER have cast aspersions on Fiona’s singing ability. As a musician and singer myself, I would not make such false claims regarding her ability just because I enjoyed their music. The point of “For Such a Time As This” was in reference to the biblical story of Queen Esther who was believed to have been born “for such a time” as to save the Jews from annihilation. I think perhaps the author has missed the point , he is, of course entitled to his opinion. Sadly, through several house moves I have lost the three albums/single. If anyone reading this knows where I can source any or all of these, in my heart, classics, please get in touch via Cross Rhythms - I am happy to be contacted via them. Thank you.
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