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Article Title: Hymns & Songs
Author of reported comment: Dave B
Comment Date: 13:31 on Oct 11 2020
Comment: I found this album in an Oxfam charity shop in a part of Belfast called Ballyhackamore. It cost me 0.50p (for readers abroad, that is less than a dollar!) and what a gem I found. It has blessed me more than words can tell. This little CD can help with healing emotional hurt. The above list of tracks omits to say that one song contains all of the Lord's Prayer. I wish the secular radio shows would play the Lord's Prayer track, as it would be a blessing to many during the pandemic sweeping our towns and cities. One day I had Blended Worship - Hymns & Songs quite loud when I was cutting a hedge, two neighbours came over and said they loved the music, one said it reminded her of when growing out of teens and singing the traditional hymn 'Be thou my vision'. The CD by BLENDED WORSHIP deserves to be on the top of everyone's list. My first dip into Christian recordings was in my early 20s, when I bought an album SMALL CORNERS by Cliff Richard. Later I was buying albums by Leon Patillo, boosted by a live concert at the Dundonald Ice Bowl in Belfast.
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