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Article Title: Celebration
Author of reported comment: Jim
Comment Date: 04:04 on Aug 9 2020
Comment: I saw a few of Tami's videos in the 80s when I was on vacation in another city. I was unfamiliar with her from the Christian radio in Philadelphia which I frequently listened to. They only played the top current artists repeatly. I thought she was great when I heard her. I liked her style and thought she was going to make it big.I believe she just was never given the "great song" that would have been her breakthrough recording, tailored to her personal style. That's what it really amounts to. Others that are less talented make it only because of their hit song. I do believe Tami sings better than 99 and 44/100% of us regular people and honestly better than other artist for sure, including honestly MW himself who is a giant in this business. Look how many artist have their voices altered electronically modified double tracked hidden by harmonies etc. There's many ways to do it. When your really belting it out in the open there's no where to hide. Truthfully what some call an imperfection others may like the way the song is delivered. In summary, I searched from time to time on the internet for this artist over the years. But being so long ago I couldn't exactly remember her name. I thought her name was probably Tammy G_____ ?Wasn't sure. I did rejoice however when I discovered her again.Because I love music. I thanked the Lord of course wouldn't you
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