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Article Title: David: Ordinary Man...Extraordinary God
Author of reported comment: Joe & Trish Neeland
Comment Date: 14:14 on Dec 10 2019
Comment: My wife for life and I love, love and love all of these great men of Abba Daddy Father Papa God's amazing spiritual Christ-centered, infused by the Holy Spirit of Truth songs of worship and spiritual hymns for Him as they help lift His Body of Christ to His Throne Room of Father God's Good Graces and Mercies that ARE New EVERY Morning, Amen!!! Brother Bob Carlisle's most legendary and beautiful Butter Kisses Song of purity, hope and love song of Daddy's Little Girls Wedding Day brings us still to this day great tears of joy and sadness now daddy's passed on to Eternity's Rest In King Christ Jesus; as this was the Beautiful Daddy-Little-Girl-Daughter Dance Song that my Wife for Life and my father-in-LOVE danced too on Saturday, July 14th, 2007!!! Keep Shouting and Praise God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit from the Roof-tops to His Court-tops until King Christ Jesus Returns VERY Soon For Look Up Yours and Mines Redemption Draws Nigh/Near!!!
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