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Article Title: The Message Goes Forth
Author of reported comment: PAUL E TAGLIAFERRI
Comment Date: 00:50 on Sep 26 2019
Comment: Hi Jeanne. I just purchased this exact lp in Near Mint condition in a pricey downtown Chicago record shop this past weekend. It is autographed by Daniel. It also has the original Picture of everyone in the band on one side and the Lyrics on the other side. The Cover Slerve is in Excellent condition. The Cover Sleeve is still real clean with no writing, no saw cuts, no holes, etc. It does have some indentations from someone using it to (maybe) write something on a piece of paper, but the ink didn't show through or anything. I'll wait a few days to see if you respond with an offer. If not I'll be listing it on a few Vinyl websites which I do besides my day job. Thanks, Paul
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