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Article Title: Rachel Rachel Split
Author of reported comment: AL
Comment Date: 20:03 on Sep 21 2019
Comment: Their cover of Kansas's "Wayward Son" was what grabbed my attention , I still love it. And I have a funny/embarrassing story. I received a PM on Facebook from Brynn Gershmehl a few years ago after I jumped into a bunch of really rude comments people were writing about a White Heart reunion tour that had been planned, then unfortunately had to be cancelled. I've never worked on anything as big as a WH reunion tour, but have worked on every area of booking, promoting... every aspect of putting a concert together, so I knew whatever happened to call this off was *not* a small thing. So I told everyone to cut it out, and "Hey! You are supposed to be their fans? You're treating all of these guys like they murdered someone. Cut it out" So the note came from Brynn, I recognised her last name, she was so kind and so grateful for my little comment, so it must have been really bad on Mark's end. So she's been my Facebook friend all this time, probably 8 years, and I had no idea until now - 2019! - that she was half of Rachel Rachel. Probably a good thing, since I might've gone all fangirl goofy :0) I think she & Mark got married in the early '90s though...
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