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Article Title: Passion: Kristian Stanfill talks about the ministry since Chris Tomlin's departure
Author of reported comment: Debra Keeler
Comment Date: 21:45 on Jul 26 2019
Comment: Hi Trina! I agree with you completely! I am also disabled by chronic pain & Arthritis. I do the very same thing by starting my day with singing worship music to God via YouTube! It really places me in the presence of God, Jesus & the Holy Spirit! Then I go on to my time of Bible Study. It just starts my day off right with my focus and praise on Jesus & with that I know I can handle anything that comes, with His help! Reach out to me if you’d like.... I’m on FB as Debbie Ahlberg Keeler & email is Praying for you today! In Christ’s love, Debbie
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