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Article Title: Johann Sebastian Bach: One man's slow discovery of a musical genius
Author of reported comment: Johnny Barnes
Comment Date: 17:09 on Jul 16 2019
Comment: Dear Mr. Cummings- I too grew-up in the late 50' and early 60's with an over-exposure to popular rock and jazz music. However, my folks kept me tuned-in the their music, that of the 1930's and 40's. I did not come to Classical until 1995 when I remembered how passionate I was about the music I had heard from Walt Disney's Fantasia in a 1962 re-release. To-day I balance my life between the likes of Bach, Rachmaninoff and Andy Schumm and his Gang. And no, I don't mean Schumann. Please check him out on YouTube for yet another interesting diversion. Thank you for your article. Bach Rocks !
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