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Article Title: Sammy Horner: The globetrotting troubadour long associated with Celtic Praise
Author of reported comment: Marian
Comment Date: 01:01 on Apr 25 2019
Comment: Thanks for sharing your story. Had the honour of meeting you briefly Sammy and John Smith in Newcastle Australia. I first heard your music and lyrics on the Red Burn album and loved hearing you lead us live. Pity the congregation were so staid they think it's a sin to dance a jig. In Australia most of the Irish were deported convicts and Catholic and I'm from Gaelic stock who migrated during the potato famine with a bit of Welsh, Highlander, French and English thrown in like in the song "this is the biggest mix up you have ever father he was Orange and me mother she was Green!" Your songs of praise lift my heart and soul to God and I'm sure you and John touched many hearts through reaching out to folk in pubs. My old dad even likes your music. There is still a tradition of folk dancing here in Australia in rural areas with some churches supporting the social gatherings. Sadly some barn dances are far removed from the family social and the bands perform in cages to protect them from drunks with broken bottles. A sign of the times. Worship lifts us above the woes of this world and gives us hope in our Redeemer. Peace to you brother.
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