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Article Title: Signature Songs
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 15:20 on Mar 21 2019
Comment: Signature Songs cd collections became popular by 2000 in CCM. "Rain Love" top notch CCM material starts the songset. "Do You Know This Man?" speaks to the heart of every believer. I love reading the liner notes for each song. I love the story behind his first CCM song "Be The One". I'll never forget hearing "Living In The Light of Your Love" on CCM radio, I absolutely connected, thanks Al, wonderful song! "To Forgive" is a song that is always needed, especially in today's world,when so many are money hungry and go to any length if it means taking your own family to court. "Take Me To The Cross" is another whose story imprints into the mind and into the heart. When the storms come, it's very difficult to be still and wait, most of all find peace through it all. We want Jesus to come and say "Peace, Be Still" as He did to the waves. GOD Bless! - Don
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