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Article Title: Once And For All
Author of reported comment: R. Biancz
Comment Date: 19:23 on Jul 23 2018
Comment: I thought his comments were fair and truthful. He commented on the recording. He said nothing about her character, her walk, or her testimony. Had her album been written by her from her character, her walk and her testimony, it would have been unique and more powerful. You are hurt and offended by someone telling the truth about a recording that has nothing to do with someone's walk. If I baked a cake, and it was lopsided, had too much sugar in it, and a bit dry, put a nice frosting on it and put it out there for people to eat and presented it to one of the top bakers in the country, and they pointed out that it was lopsided, had too much sugar and was dry, it would be ridiculous for a person who loved me to say, "but she made it with tons of love! That's what is important! She's also younger than you and is doing something valuable, cooking! Her love for Jesus is evident, you should check your walk with Jesus!"
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