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Article Title: Israel's New Disciples
Author of reported comment: Frank Huston
Comment Date: 01:32 on Jul 10 2018
Comment: I read your book, Israel's new disciples probably 2009 or 10. I am reading it again, aloud to seniors here at Park of the Palms Retirement Community. I enjoy reading to them and we all get more out of a book when we read it and as Nehemiah 8:8 says 'he gave the sense so that they understood the reading'. I have a question which I promised them that I would ask you: Now 10 years after your first book, do you still have the same expectations of 'these new disciples' that they are going to become the light to the gentiles so that YOU may bring salvation to the ends of the earth? Have you still the same passion as when you wrote The new disciples? (I have been a 'fan' of Jews for Jesus since 1972 or 73! I still look forward to their newsletters and reports! Frank Huston
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