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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: Susan
Comment Date: 23:46 on Jul 8 2018
Comment: In combat when you are injured or injure someone else, you often have to lay there and bleed awhile. I know this to be true. Following Sandi’s career has taught me many things. I’ve learned most of them later in my life. In the middle of near death experiences, God has shown me His care and restoration in very practical ways. God is not up in heaven somewhere waiting for me to “get it.” He is here in front, behind, and along side me walking and carving a path to life. Living is dying. And the dying births a new life. This is not impossible, but is fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you, Sandi, for encouraging me to know and see what God is like.
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