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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: K. Payne
Comment Date: 21:24 on Jul 1 2018
Comment: I couldn't agree more with the ideology of "lead by example" and the only person I know who perfectly qualifies for such a call is Jesus himself. As followers of Christ should we not ALL be called to leading by example? Yes, those in 'visible' ministry could and should be held responsible for leading by example. The question then becomes what leader is truly forthcoming about his/her sins and willing to be accountable for the same? It seems that only those with 'visible' sin (I.e. divorce, pregnancy without marriage, etc.) are often shamed, rejected and shunned in the Church, while the 'invisible' sins committed by ministerial leaders ( I.e. pornography, cheating on income taxes, abuse in the home, speeding, lust, envy, etc.) are never brought to account?! As Jesus, our perfect example of leadership so aptly stated, when presented with 'a woman caught in adultery', "HE THAT IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE. ". There should never be a place in the Body of Christ where any sin isn't met with unconditional love and forgiveness upon repentance. The question then remains, are we living to serve those in the Church or those in Christ? Sandy repented, sought forgiveness and accountability. No leader in ministry is perfect, but those with Sandy's courage and vulnerability are a perfect example of leadership to me!
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