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Article Title: Inside My Room
Author of reported comment: Joel Montalban
Comment Date: 18:19 on May 11 2018
Comment: Here's the lyrics for "The Fiddler" Fiddler, You play your song All through the city No one seems to notice No one seems to understand Somewhere You have cried I hear it deep inside Now I see You smile What makes Your song so full of love (Refrain) Play Your song just a little louder Seems I've heard it before Tell me have You ever been To a place called lonely before Perhaps that's where we met Somewhere in the past Seems I used to know The song You're playing Fiddler, tell the words So I can hear Maybe I'll recall the song I lost throughout the years Seems I've always cried For love and peace inside Now I'd love to smile And play a song so full of love (Repeat Refrain) Fiddler, now I seem to understand How You play the song You've earned With nail scars in Your hands Now I finally see Your love was made for me Now I laugh and love And play Your song Within my heart Play Your song just a little louder Yes I've heard it before Tell me have You ever been To a place called CALVARY before That's where we finally meet You've made my life complete Now I sing the song That You've been playing Play Your song... Yes, Jesus loves me Yes, Jesus loves you Yes, Jesus loves me The bible tells me My new song tells me The Fiddler told me so
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