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Article Title: Michael English: After years in the CCM wilderness, the prodigal finally comes home
Author of reported comment: Linda K. Foreman
Comment Date: 17:03 on Mar 13 2018
Comment: This is an awesome article about Michael English and I appreciate his honesty in sharing his life with us. I have been a fan of HIS music and him for years...I prayed for his recovery and happiness. I am a Christian woman and I still continue to pray for this amazing man, Michael English. I can listen to Michael English's music every day and one song still stands out..which I play several times a day and evening. I love this song because Michael was neatly dressed and had a scarf around his neck draping down on both sides of his suit... his hair was awesome, and he sang with the Gather Vocal Band, Mark Lowery, David Phelps, Bill Gather and Michael's voice was amazing. "I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary (Live). Michael touched me beyond belief in his music. He will forever be my favorite singer of all time. I have never met Michael in person even though I attended several gathering and my lifelong dream is to one day - met him. I have several friends in the music industry...I pray Michael continues to sing and whatever he does, GOD is in control and he loves him. Angel Blessings!
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