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Article Title: Ray Bevan: Once a pop rocker, now an acclaimed preacher, pastor and singer
Author of reported comment: Suzanne jupp
Comment Date: 19:38 on Mar 4 2018
Comment: Hi Lorraine So amazing! After church this morning somehow the conversation over coffee turned to the Elim bible weeks at Bognor, which somehow led remembering to hearing Ray Bevan in our Elim Church back in the late 70s. Sitting at home this afternoon looking up his name on You Tube Inremembered the lovely song Keep the stones unemployed. Suddenly your name and comments appeared. I felt compelled to send you this message. Not sure why but just had to share a bit of my joJpast. Are you in a church in Portsmouth. I am in a Baptist church now in Morth End after many years in the then Elim Arundel street. Would love to hear back from you. Blessings Suzanne Jupp
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