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Article Title: For The Lord Is Good
Author of reported comment: Tony Cutty
Comment Date: 16:16 on Aug 1 2017
Comment: This is anointed worship, straight from the Throne Room of Heaven. Terry and his singers aer worshippers. It is clear from the review that Stuart has not entered into the spirit of it at all. Take no notice of him. This is brilliant worship that has lifted me up in my hour of deepest need. As a worship leader myself, I recommend this music for private listening or for use in small group meetings. Buy it; you will not be disappointed. Stuart, your review is reprehensible and you should recant. And for the record, Terry MacAlmon's style does indeed involve what Stuart mistakenly calls 'recorded' music...but it is actually MIDI music, yes, recorded before in terms of its content, but played live on Terry's equipment during the singing. And once each song has run its course, Terry leads people into worship that is not covered by the backing tracks. All you need to do is to look for Terry MacAlmon's cover of 'When I look into your Holiness' on YouTube and you will see what a gifted worship leader he is, as he masterfully works with the Holy Spirit, especially from about 4 minutes onwards. When all things that surround become shadows indeed...theology is irrelevant when this kind of worship is in the room. And, Stuart, when you can play the piano like Terry MacAlmon, and lead worship like Terry MacAlmon, then and only then will you earn the right to criticise. If you can't walk the walk; don't try to talk the talk. This is the problem with critics, though, isn't it? They criticise things that are so far beyond their own abilities, and it is sickening. When you can do what Terry can do, then you can criticise. Until then, keep it zipped, eh mate?
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