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Article Title: Red Alert
Author of reported comment: Jeni Williams
Comment Date: 08:31 on Jul 23 2017
Comment: Wow Bob Thomason....I loved your songs. You and the guys visited my old fellowship West Street in Rochdale. You stayed quite a while....there was you Greg Mike Minardi Malcolm and Richard Cimino. We were a young group of 4 teenage girls struggling with standing for our faith at you guys came to our school and we sat and prayed under a tree in front of the church attached to our school. You probably cannot remember....but it meant the world to us girls.Thank you. That was approximately 36 yrs ago. Me and the girls went our separate ways with careers etc ....we met yesterday for the first time in 32 years....and in our manic memory discussions we chatted about the time you guys would play at West Street Cellar. They were special memories....I used to have the albums Red Alert and Curtain Call.....but can't find them....must have gone missing during one of my moves.I must get your album again is it still available? You had an amazing voice and I loved I'm an Island and We shall be changed but my favourite was How I long for that day. Bless you and I hope you are well and happy. Jeni x
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