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Article Title: Michael English: After years in the CCM wilderness, the prodigal finally comes home
Author of reported comment: Michelle
Comment Date: 12:24 on Jun 25 2017
Comment: Why are we not lifting up and bringing Maribeth back in too? Where is her interview? She too experienced a lot and probably more pain than Michael, she was carrying the baby lost. Why do woman have a harder time coming back then men in Christian Music. This leaves a bad taste in some mouths. Some have spoken of losing faith in the Christian Music industry over Marabeth being thrown in the mud by Michael. We are examples of Christ, what would Jesus say yo Marabeth and how would he handle her and her career as a great singer, Mike? I am not trying to sound like a jerk but we can't afford to lose anyone and I see more people turning away from Christianity in this country because of our examples. Has Marabeth turned away because of how she was treated if so it is time to show her love and bring her back into the fold as well. I am happy for Micheal coming back but let's bring everyone back in.
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