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Article Title: A Door Of Hope Helping Prostitutes & Addicts In Israel
Author of reported comment: Tony Aloha
Comment Date: 14:35 on May 28 2017
Comment: Great work buddy! I used to partake in ministry years ago helping beach bums, travellers and would be terrorists get themselves together through the power of G-D via music, communally cooked soul food and tea.Our main focus was helping people to find the 'music within themselves' and becoming servants of G-D by serving people. It was really rewarding as You say.It would have been great to have had a guy like you on our team.We used to bperform every Saturday for all the locals and tourists and we made mo most of our instruments out of recycled materials.We were quite a spectacle but highly effective. If you would like to inquire or be part of another such movement, holler at me. shalom, Tony Aloha
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