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Article Title: Charles Norman: Talking about Larry Norman and the Fallen Angel documentary
Author of reported comment: Joe
Comment Date: 16:06 on May 16 2017
Comment: The people that made this movie did it for no other reason than jealousy. The truth is Larry Norman will probably go down as the most Famous and influential Christian Musician Ever. The people on this documentary who are making claims that he committed "Sins" are laughable .. Jesus says he who is without Sin cast the first I guess they must be blameless in their own site but not Gods because Jealousy and slander are sins. They go so far out of their way to throw stones at a Dead man all the while claiming it is for Christian purposes? Really... to do what? They are not fooling anyone. It is clear they are so salty about the fact they never really gained the fame or had the impact on the world that Larry did. They have never let it go and harbor a really tremendous amount of jealousy.
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