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Article Title: Morgan Cryar: The writer of the classic "What Sin?" now a mentor to songwriters
Author of reported comment: Lynn Morgan
Comment Date: 04:05 on Feb 26 2017
Comment: Morgan, I have sung your song, "What Sin" in concerts maybe 3-4 hundred times over the years. It's always the same response, I look out in the audience and people are weeping and deeply in touch with Jesus. When I first heard the song and would rehearse it I must have cried a bucket of tears myself. One day I thought I would see who wrote this awesome tune, it was Morgan Cryar. i had to laugh at God's humor. You have truly touched thousands of hearts with your wonderful song. I'm going to include the song in my song list for a concert I am performing tomorrow. I promise you it will touch those who hear it. Thank you Morgan!! Lynn Morgan
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