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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: Daniel Perez
Comment Date: 16:11 on Nov 15 2016
Comment: I did research on the whole Newsboys album and who actually did the vocals for hell is for wimps second album and I can completely understand about your testimony John James but I do have to say that album was very heart touching touch my life there was an anointing on that album that's for sure whatever happened behind the scenes that was going on that was not good I believe it's just an attack from the enemy Satan and I will definitely pray for John James I would like to see God use you again like he has used you before to touch many lives through your previous albums. I believe stuff does happen even when you're going through the good times the enemy might see that you are a contagious figure for Christ Jesus and might try to steal what you have just like the enemy attacked Job he was doing so well I believe when we get attacked we can't put our guard down we need to pray really hard we need to intervene with the Lord above everyday every-night and I'm speaking to myself as well I pray for God to use you again John James you have a powerful gift a gift that has touched many lives including mine and my cousins maybe someday I can meet you in person mr. John James just to hear your testimony and God bless you my brother!
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