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Article Title: The Sheep: '70s Jesus freaks who pioneered the Lonesome Stone rock opera
Author of reported comment: Ruth Bonnington
Comment Date: 23:40 on Sep 18 2016
Comment: The Jesus people came to edinburgh in? 1974 and performed Lonesome Stone . My father (David Maybury) offered our house and church hall for the cast to stay in over the ?6+ weeks . I was the 3rd child in the family and the experience of being with the cast ( tripping over people praying for each other all over the house and having late night prayer meetings with hot chocolate in our lounge are part of the formative years of my faith) . The Brookes came back to Scotland with Servant and stayed with us ( living in Jedburgh at that point where my dad has moved as a minister) - they performed in the local town hall. My eldest brother, paul Maybury was older when mo some toured and can write more I'm sure. I think my brother Andrew has the treasured lonesome and servant vinyls! Praise the Lord that so many were touched through their ministry. Ruth
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