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Article Title: Michael English: After years in the CCM wilderness, the prodigal finally comes home
Author of reported comment: Pamela Bell
Comment Date: 04:58 on Aug 4 2016
Comment: I did not know who Michael English was; a couple at church mentioned he was going to be at Serenity Church, I went. Wow! I have watched so many You Tube presentations and learned to love the singing of Jessy Dixon and Stephen Hill. For Michael to be graced to just know them, declares God to be totally Love. Thank you Michael for coming to our small town and showing us an Enormous Talent on loan from God! I have read your book and then passed it on. I was left with a tremendous sense of sadness as you gave up so much time yet God and only God can restore and redeem the times, as they are evil. Always thankful for your humilty and grace. Stay true and I will as well.
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