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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: Judy Meyer
Comment Date: 22:28 on Jul 18 2016
Comment: Thank you for this inspirational testimony. Know that it is helping people all over the globe. I was married to an amazing man for 20 years when he started on the road to alcoholism. He was an abusive husband and father and we still bore the scars 30 years later. Our story didn't end as well as yours. He died of his alcoholism. I never abandoned him. He died at home with his family around him telling him it was OK for him to go. Why he could not respond to our help is still a mystery. After his death I found a one sentence note in his hand witting: "I should have loved you more." He had more struggles than we were aware of and I am encouraged our continued love was not wasted. We were left with our own struggles and for 15 years I could not grieve my loss even though I had good Christian counsel. Michael Tait is now lead singer of Newsboys but it was his solo song "Holding Out for Grace" that this year opened my heart and completed the process. Newsboys have a supernatural legacy of healing hearts that goes beyond the present. Thank you Lord for Newsboys; past, present and yet to come. Amen
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