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Article Title: Black Gospel Music: A white fan considers a hundred-year musical history
Author of reported comment: John Cheek
Comment Date: 23:04 on Jul 6 2016
Comment: This article takes me back, to the days when I was a brand new Christian...and I somehow quickly gained an interest in Black Gospel, a genre which previously had never come anywhere near my radar. At the end of the 1980s, I started trying to pick up the frequency for Paul Jones' gospel show on Greater London Radio, on my old transistor radio in Southend-on-Sea, twenty five miles' away, between 10pm-midnight on Sunday evenings. The following year, a non-believing mate took me to Camden in London, knowing that I may be interested in some of the second-hand record stores there...I'd never been before but I picked up a Sister Rosetta Tharp album on vinyl and excitedly took my purchase home...
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