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Article Title: Remembering
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 17:09 on Jun 14 2016
Comment: I love this album that goes back to her late 70's releases on Greentree label. Side 2 begins with top favorite from '77, Reba's self-penned"The Land of Oohs and Ahs; the entwining of the Judy Garland classic "Over the Rainbow" just adds to the beauty of the song. Years later, as CCM genre was taking off well in the 80's, top man group David and the Giants would incorporate the same classic in their 1982 song "Noah" (which I love wholeheartedly). "Ain't Givin' Up" starts side one, another culled from '77 "Lady". Top notch bkgrd vocals on 1980 song "Something About the Rain"; great sax and woodwinds heard:A Rambo/McGuire collaboration well crafted. Reba adds some early worship and praise with "Lift Him Up" (1977), a chorus that many churches have often sung and continue (thank you Reba):And the 1978 "Sacrifice of Praise" which has some awesome choir. I really love "Sunshine Saturday" from '78. "The Best"You" You Can Be" from 1979 on side 1 has great early CCM style and sound. No doubt, Reba inherited her songwriting from Mom Dottie; what a precious gift to bring to a world in need. I would love to find this on cd also. God Bless you Reba, - Don
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