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Article Title: Hip-Hop And Radio Play: Why do Christian stations ignore the emcee?
Author of reported comment: Tony
Comment Date: 21:11 on Apr 4 2016
Comment: I am a husband, father,and most importantly a man of God. I come from a hard background and can easily relate to Christian rap. I have also given some friends/ co workers a listen and they also liked the music. Without realizing it was Christian rap until they heard the lyrics. I would like to be frank and honest. The Christian radio stations sa are judging when they judge Christian rappers. I feel that if you are a Christian it is your duty to go out and preach the gospel be it through music, conversation, etc. But when you don't use all that God has given to won back souls for example Christian rap to reach the youth of today. You are not doing God's will. I know this form of Christian music has changed lives because it not only changed mine but it helped save me as well.
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