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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The California-born gospel singer overcoming homosexuality and diabetes
Author of reported comment: Cassandra B.
Comment Date: 11:45 on Mar 21 2016
Comment: There will NEVER be another Daryl Coley.The Lord blessed him in so many ways and he blessed us by what the Lord gave him and that was music. He could do anything with his voice when it came to singing. The Lord knew what he was doing when he gave us Daryl. The world is cruel and if you aren't prayed up & not reading your Bible and staying in the will of God the world will consume you. But I Thank God that Daryl stayed in the will of the Lord, the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you and Daryl knew that. Sunday came for Daryl, and all of his trials and heartaches are all left behind. The Lord prepared Daryl. I believe he was ready to be with the Lord. No more pain or suffering he is singing in Glory and in the arms of Jesus. Daryl, your music will live on forever in our hearts you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. Thank You for sharing with the world what God had given you. You have touched so many lives and You are WELL LOVED. RWG LOVE YOU!!
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